ProtoConvert IIoT Gateway/Converter supports Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP,BACnet MSTP, and BACnet IP protocol Solution.
The unit supports 1 x RS485 Port and 1 x RS232 Port which allows you to connect 31 Modbus devices (recommended) on RS 485 Port and single modbus device on RS 232 Port which allows creating P2P Connection with the device.
RS 485 Port also lets you connect MSTP devices in same daisy chain. User can even publish data from Modbus RTU or BACnet IP on JSON/XML/MQQT.
This model also supports Modbus TCP/IP and BACnet IP based devices and publish it on JSON/XML/MQTT.
Our IIoT Gateway is bi-directional solution with which user can get and post data on remote or local API or BMS or SCADA via wired Internet facility. We can provide any combination of above mentioned protocols with either JSON/XML/MQTT. We can even customize JSON/XML/MQTT scheme as per your requirement. Additional Feature of GSM/GPRS modem on board is supported by PG300.
Gateway has it’s own web interface using which you can monitor values in tabular format which you can change on single click.
The device has an onboard MySQL data base and it is possible to store up to 100,000 values. The stored values can be retrieved in .csv file format. You can mail .csv file on specific mail id. You can upgrade storage from 100,000 to higher

Please download datasheet of all available models from the below link: